Dr. Walter Publishes Paper in JACS

The Walter lab recently published a paper in the Journal American Chemical Society (JACS). Here is a brief description of the paper.
Donor-acceptor, small molecule fluorophores are attractive tools for both environmental and biological sensing applications due to their high sensitivity, selectivity, and spatial/temporal resolution. In our recent paper, we report on a new molecular library of donor-acceptor, asymmetric thiazolothiazoles (TTzs) which demonstrate high quantum yields, large transition dipole moments, and large Stokes shifts. We show that these properties make our TTzs well-suited for applications involving polarity sensing, temperature sensing, acid sensing, and membrane voltage sensing. The membrane voltage sensing application is particularly exciting because it can eventually be used to directly observe neuronal communication and identify certain aberrations with cellular communication. Such applications may offer important insights into brain function, thus leading to better understanding and treatment of many brain disorders involving neuronal degeneration.
Congratulations to Dr. Walter and his lab for the excellent work! For more information on the Walter lab, click here.