Degree Requirements

The Ph.D. in Chemistry and Nanoscale Science requires 72 credit hours. Core courses account for at least 27 credit hours, elective courses account for at least 6 credit hours, and dissertation research accounts for at least 18 credit hours. The remaining credit hours are fulfilled by enrolling in a combination of restricted elective courses. Students may count other courses towards meeting the 72 credit hour requirement with approval of the Graduate Program Director. The graduate catalogue for 2024-2025 have all the course descriptions.

Plan of study

Core Courses (27 credit hours)

  • NANO 8001 – Perspectives at the Nanoscale (2)
  • NANO 8101 – Introduction to Instrumentation and Processing at the Nanoscale (3)
  • NANO 8102 – Nanoscale Phenomena (3)
  • NANO 8103 – Synthesis and Characterization of Nanomaterials (3)
  • NANO 8105 – Life at the Nanoscale (3)
  • NANO 8203 – Collaborative Research Proposal (3)
  • NANO 8301 – Nanomedicine (3)
  • or NANO 8351 – Nanoscale Materials for Energy Applications (3)
  • NANO 8681 – Nanoscale Science Seminar (1) *
  • NANO 8682 – Nanoscale Science Colloquium (1) ***


* Students must enroll in NANO 8681 during every semester in residence, except when enrolled in GRAD 9800 or GRAD 9999, for a minimum of four semesters.
** GRAD 9800 – Doctoral – Graduate Full-Time Enrollment Credit (3 credit hours): Doctoral students who have: (1) completed all required coursework and (2) submitted required milestone paperwork to the Graduate School (Exam Report of Comprehensive Examination, Appointment of Doctoral Dissertation Committee form, and the Proposal Defense form) may register for this non-graded course and be considered “full-time enrolled” students.
*** Students must enroll in NANO 8682 during the three semesters immediately following enrollment in NANO 8001

Elective Courses (6 credit hours)

In addition to completing the Core Courses, students must complete a minimum of 6 credit hours of Elective Courses. Elective Courses are selected in consultation with the student’s advisor (normally the dissertation advisor) to best meet the student’s needs and interests. Any of the following courses may be used to meet elective requirements:

  • BIOL 7000-8999
  • CHEM 7000-8999
  • ECGR 7000-8999
  • MEGR 7000-8999
  • NANO 8000-8999
  • OPTI 7000-8999
  • PHYS 7000-8999

Other courses may be used to satisfy elective requirements, provided that prior approval has been obtained from the Graduate Program Director. Students may count one 5000 level course towards meeting elective requirements if approved in advance by the Graduate Program Director.

Dissertation Research (18 credit hours)

Students must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours of the following:

  • NANO 8900 – Dissertation Research (1 to 4)

Additional Coursework (21 credit hours)

The remaining 21 credit hours are fulfilled by enrolling in any combination of the following courses. Students may count other courses towards meeting the 72 credit hour requirement with approval of the Graduate Program Director.

  • NANO 8681 – Nanoscale Science Seminar (1)
  • NANO 8900 – Dissertation Research (1 to 4)
  • BIOL 7000-8999
  • CHEM 6150 – Seminar-Internship (1 to 3)
  • CHEM 7000-8999
  • ECGR 7000-8999
  • MEGR 7000-8999
  • NANO 8000-8999
  • OPTI 7000-8999
  • PHYS 7000-8999

Degree Total = 72 Credit Hours

Detailed Study Plan

Grade Requirements

Graduate students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.2 to graduate from the program. Two grades of C or one grade of U will result in termination from the program.

Admission to Candidacy Requirements

The Graduate School requires doctoral students to pass a qualifying examination, and to advance to candidacy by successfully defending a dissertation topic proposal at a meeting of the student’s advisory/dissertation committee. Because of its emphasis on proposal writing and development, the Chemistry and Nanoscale Science Ph.D. program links the qualifying examination with the dissertation topic proposal defense. Before the third semester in residence, each student (in consultation with his/her research advisor) chooses a preliminary dissertation committee that should normally include four faculty members (counting the student’s dissertation advisor) who the student expects will provide valuable scientific input based on their areas of expertise (Note: The Graduate Faculty Representative is not appointed at this stage, hence this is a preliminary dissertation committee). Members of the preliminary dissertation committee must have Graduate Faculty status and be affiliated with the Chemistry and Nanoscale Science Ph.D. program. Students are encouraged to begin the qualifying exam / dissertation topic proposal process towards the end of their fourth semester in residence. The process begins when the student submits a written proposal for dissertation research that is distributed to the preliminary dissertation committee. Within two weeks after the proposal is submitted, the preliminary dissertation committee develops a written qualifying exam that is administered to the student. The exam questions should be related to the student’s proposal, and they may also be related to the student’s coursework as it applies to areas associated with the proposed dissertation project or the student’s research group. The student is given one week to complete the exam. Once the student has passed the exam, an oral defense of the dissertation topic proposal is conducted in a meeting with the student’s full dissertation committee (including the Graduate School Representative). A student who does not pass the qualifying exam may take it one more time; likewise, a student who does not pass the dissertation topic proposal defense may have a second chance to succeed. Students are encouraged to complete the qualifying exam and dissertation topic proposal defense before the fifth semester in residence; under normal circumstances they must complete both requirements before the beginning of the sixth semester in residence.


The Graduate Program Director serves as the student’s academic advisor until a research advisor is chosen (normally before the beginning of the second semester in residence). Once selected, the research advisor will serve as the student’s academic advisor. The Graduate Program Director is responsible for monitoring student progress. Students must obtain the Graduate Program Director’s permission to enroll in any courses. Students are encouraged to form a dissertation committee (minus the Graduate School representative), as soon as possible after selecting a research advisor, and to consult regularly with the committee members on research and academic progress. The aforementioned committee will administer the Qualifying Exam to the student. Once the student passes the Qualifying Exam, the Graduate School Representative will be appointed to complete the dissertation committee.

Application for Degree

Each student should make application for his/her degree by completing the online Application for Degree through Banner Self Service no later than the filing date specified in the University Academic Calendar. After successful defense of the dissertation, a student will be conferred with the doctoral degree.

Residency Requirement

Students must satisfy the residency requirement for the program by completing 21 credit hours of continuous enrollment, such as coursework or dissertation credits. Residence is considered continuous if the student is enrolled in one or more courses in successive semesters until 21 credit hours are earned.

Time Limits for Completion

The student must achieve admission to candidacy within six years after admission to the program. All requirements for the degree must be completed within nine years after initial registration as a doctoral student. These time limits are considered to be maxima; full-time students are typically expected to complete their degree requirements within 4-5 years of initial registration as a Chemistry and Nanoscale Science Ph.D. student.

Transfer Credit

Students who have completed graduate coursework but have not earned a graduate degree may transfer up to 6 credit hours of coursework. Students who have earned a Master’s degree may transfer up to 30 credit hours of coursework. Students who wish use transfer coursework credits towards meeting degree requirements for the Chemistry and Nanoscale Science Ph.D. should consult with the Graduate Program Director as soon as possible.

Additional information can be found from the Graduate School.